Chart.js Time Scale Sample

The following chart is from a sample I found in the samples/timeScale folder of Chart.js Github repository. As far as I understand, the bundle version of Chart.js should include the moment.js as well. But I could not make the following code to work, without adding the moment.js from a CDN.

If you now how to make the bundled version to work, without using moment.min.js, please let me know to update the code.

Using our plugin, named Blazing Charts, I added the following shortcode to this post:

[BlazingChart charttype="chartjs" source="a Chart Snippet" options="bundle"]

The script saved as a Chart Snippet is as following:

<script src="//"></script>
    canvas {
        -moz-user-select: none;
        -webkit-user-select: none;
        -ms-user-select: none;
<div style="width:75%;">
	<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
<button id="randomizeData">Randomize Data</button>
<button id="addData">Add Data</button>
<button id="removeData">Remove Data</button>
	window.onload = function() {
		function randomScalingFactor() {
			return Math.round(Math.random() * 100 * (Math.random() > 0.5 ? -1 : 1));
		function randomColorFactor() {
			return Math.round(Math.random() * 255);
		function randomColor(opacity) {
			return 'rgba(' + randomColorFactor() + ',' + randomColorFactor() + ',' + randomColorFactor() + ',' + (opacity || '.3') + ')';
		function newDate(days) {
			return moment().add(days, 'd').toDate();
		function newDateString(days) {
			return moment().add(days, 'd').format();
		var config = {
			type: 'line',
			data: {
				datasets: [{
					label: "Dataset with string point data",
					data: [{
						x: newDateString(0),
						y: randomScalingFactor()
					}, {
						x: newDateString(2),
						y: randomScalingFactor()
					}, {
						x: newDateString(4),
						y: randomScalingFactor()
					}, {
						x: newDateString(5),
						y: randomScalingFactor()
					fill: false
				}, {
					label: "Dataset with date object point data",
					data: [{
						x: newDate(0),
						y: randomScalingFactor()
					}, {
						x: newDate(2),
						y: randomScalingFactor()
					}, {
						x: newDate(4),
						y: randomScalingFactor()
					}, {
						x: newDate(5),
						y: randomScalingFactor()
					fill: false
			options: {
				responsive: true,
	                text:"Chart.js Time Point Data"
				scales: {
					xAxes: [{
						type: "time",
						display: true,
						scaleLabel: {
							display: true,
							labelString: 'Date'
					yAxes: [{
						display: true,
						scaleLabel: {
							display: true,
							labelString: 'value'
		jQuery.each(, function(i, dataset) {
			dataset.borderColor = randomColor(0.4);
			dataset.backgroundColor = randomColor(0.5);
			dataset.pointBorderColor = randomColor(0.7);
			dataset.pointBackgroundColor = randomColor(0.5);
			dataset.pointBorderWidth = 1;
		jQuery('#randomizeData').click(function() {
			jQuery.each(, function(i, dataset) {
				jQuery.each(, function(j, dataObj) {
					dataObj.y = randomScalingFactor();
		jQuery('#addData').click(function() {
			if ( > 0) {
				var lastTime = myLine.scales['x-axis-0'].labelMoments[0].length ? myLine.scales['x-axis-0'].labelMoments[0][myLine.scales['x-axis-0'].labelMoments[0].length - 1] : moment();
				var newTime = lastTime
					.add(1, 'day')
					.format('MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm');
				for (var index = 0; index <; ++index) {[index].data.push({
						x: newTime,
						y: randomScalingFactor()
		jQuery('#removeData').click(function() {, datasetIndex) {;
		var ctx = document.getElementById("canvas").getContext("2d");
		window.myLine = new Chart(ctx, config);

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