
BLAZING Email Transfer Payment Gateway

This plugin is available on Wordpress.org to install or download.


Many customers in Canada prefer to pay for the merchandise they buy, by e-Transfer (formerly Email Money Transfer).

What does this plugin do?

If customers choose the secret question and answer by themselves, they have to call to inform you what the Q&A are. Or they have the option to send them by Email. The other option is you give everybody a static question and answer.
In both cases, if a third party, or a hacker, gain access to the username & password of your Email, he/she can deposit the funds to any account he wants, and there is no way to cancel the transaction.
So, this plugin creates a random word which can be used as an answer to the quetion. In this case, whoever has the access to your Email box, is not going to figure out what the answer to the question is. Unless he/she hacks the backend of the website as well as your Email box.


  1. Upload the 'woocommerce-email-money-transfer' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Visit 'WooCommerce -> Settings -> Checkout -> BLAZING Email Transfer, and modify the instructions.

How To use this plugin:

In the 'BLAZING Email Transfer payment gateway' in the WooCommerce Settings, there is a field named 'Instructions'. Whatever you enter in that field will be shown to the user in the 'Thank You' page after placing an order, and also in the Email.

You must provide an Email for customers, so you can receive the instructions to retrieve the funds they send.

Also you should keep two placeholders which are {1} and {2}.
{1} will be replaced by Order Number. Customers should be encouraged to mention their order number in the secret question they send
{2} will be replaced by a randomly generated 6-character long word. Customers are encouraged to use that word as the answer to the secret question. An 'Order note' will be added to the order, containing this randow word, so upon retrieving the funds, you will know what the answer to the secret question of each order is.
An Instruction can be something like this:
After placing your order, please send an Email money transfer to the following:

Email: xxx@yyy.com
Secret Question: Your Order Number {1}
Secret Answer: {2} (MAKE SURE YOU DO NOT REMOVE THESE TWO {1} and {2})
Thanks for choosing us! We appreciate your business.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Email Transfer works?

An e-Transfer resembles an e-check in many respects. The money is not actually transferred by e-mail. Only the instructions to retrieve the funds are.

Why the Answer to the Secret Question is not shown to the buyer?

You can modify the instructions shown to the buyer the way you would like. But make sure you leave two placeholders of {1} and {2}, so the plugin can replace them later with order number and the randomly generated answer.

How do I know what question and answer is sent to the buyer?

If the buyer mentions the order number in the question, you would know who is sending the fund. The answer sent to the buyer can be found in the order page, as the first order note.